Maintenance Excellence Training

At Maintenance Transformations, we know how hard it is to transform theory into management practice, let alone inspire your staff to follow your direction.
Based on our significant industry experience, we have created a series of short, hard-hitting training workshops designed to inform and inspire without getting lost in the technical detail.


Maintenance Excellence Training:

The one day Maintenance Excellence Training session will show you how to put the “management” into maintenance management.

While preventative maintenance theory has a vital place in maintenance management, many sites fall over when transferring plans into sensible, sustainable and transparent action in the real world. Attendees will learn how to implement a site driven process and the appropriate use of a computerised maintenance management system to achieve this.

“Simple, not over complicated. I loved it!”
-LC, Hastings…

“I loved the energy of the presenter”
– DL, Taupo….

“I can now take what I already knew and use it to do a better job”
– CG, New Plymouth.

Topics Covered:

Lean Maintenance:

-Lean vs. Fat Maintenance -The Maintenance Excellence Success Curve

Technical Competence:

– Institutionalised Knowledge – Continuous Learning – Maintenance Planning = PM Optimisation

Technical Confidence:

– Work Scheduling – Satisfying Customers = Backlogs vs Frontlogs – The Chaos Theory – Work Scheduling Excellence – Maintenance Excellence

Bankable Outcomes:

Leveraging Information – Virtual Stores/JIT Purchasing – zero-based data – Taking The Leap To Lean

Attendees are invited to use their own workplace examples during practise exercises.



Position relevance:

Anyone involved with plant reliability from management to engineers, tradesmen and operators, will benefit from the understanding of how proactive maintenance management works and the opportunity you have to turn your own maintenance management function into a professional and valued component of your operation.

Cost: $850+GST pp. 

Bulk discounts and on-site training sessions available.

Jet park AirportAuckland27 March9-3BOOK
Sudima AirportChristchurch10 April830-3BOOK
AnywhereAny placeAny dateAny timeBOOK

Got a question about our trainings? Get in touch!

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