Certified Maintenance Planner

Improve your career skills and value to your operation with the Certified Maintenance Planner course. This 3 day course will not only teach you the theory of maintenance planning but also arm you with the knowledge to achieve maintenance reliability through effective work scheduling.

Certified Maintenance Planner:

Maintenance Transformations are New Zealand’s leading practitioners on the practical application of maintenance planning, bringing experience across multiple industries, countries and corporates. Principal Craig Carlyle is recognised globally for his practical experience, success and passion for helping engineers succeed and this course is designed to pass on and certify that knowledge.

Whether you want to learn the basic skills or understand what you need to do to achieve maintenance excellence in your workplace, this is your first step to success.

“On point!. I could not recommend this more strongly”
– JC, Auckland…

“Three days that have changed my world. Knowledge is nothing without wisdom”
– AR, Blenheim….

Topics Covered:

  • Maintenance as a Business Weapon
  • Maintenance Evolution
  • Technical Competence and Technical Confidence
  • Maintenance Planning
  • The Reliability Bath Tub Curve, Failure Modes, Invasive Risks, Maintenance Strategies (RCA, RCM, Failure, Predictive, Scheduled, HAZOP, Condition Monitoring), Frequency modes, PM Optimisation, Zero based planning, The Detective Mode
  • Work Scheduling
  • Backlogs vs front logs, The Chaos Theory of Work Scheduling, Creating a Professional Scheduling System, PM vs Unplanned vs compliance vs Requests, Balancing Demand and Satisfying Customers, JIT Purchasing, Effective KPIs
  • Computerised Maintenance Management Systems
  • Relational databases, Constructing your data, Data in and data out, Leveraging Information, Virtual Stores

Attendees are invited to use their own workplace examples  to develop and optimise PM plans during training exercises. Certification is issued upon satisfactory completion of the course work, practise exercises and test.


Engineering/trade/technical/professional experience and/or qualifications

Position relevance:

Maintenance Planners, Work Schedulers, Engineering Supervisors, Engineering Managers, Technical Staff

Cost: $2750+GST pp.

JetPark AirportAuckland24-26 Mar 2025830-4 (varies)BOOK
Sudima AirportChristchurch7-9 Apr 830-4 (varies)BOOK

Got a question about our training? Get in touch!

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